為獎勵教學,每學年均遴選校傑出教學教師。 推薦作業包含教學單位推薦及學生票選。同學票選是傑出教學獎評審委員會重要的參考資料,請您上網投給您心目中的傑出教學教師。
一、 領取時間:3/6起上班日上午9:00-12:00及13:30-17:00,送完為止。(3/6-3/14中午可領取)
二、 領取地點:(請攜帶學生證) 校本部的行政大樓2樓教務處綜合教務組隔壁小會議室。
Dear students:
For teaching encouragement and reward, every year we will select the outstanding teachers. Recommend process includes teaching unit recommendations and student voting. Student voting will be an important reference for the Outstanding Teaching Awards Judging Committee. Please go vote for the outstanding teachers in your mind.
Please go to the “Academic Information Systems” --> “Vote for Outstanding Teachers” and choose 1-3 teachers that you think are outstanding (including scores). The voting is not limited to the teachers of the same department. Students who have not taken a course this semester can also vote!
The Voting for Outstanding Teachers is from March 6 to April 7.
Students who vote will be given a special gift (check out the picture below), the amount is limited so please vote as soon as possible!!
1. Gift pick up time: Weekdays from 9:00 am to12:00 am ,13:30 pm to5:00 pm.
2. Pick up location: (Please bring your student ID) A room which is next to Division of General Academic Affairs (Administration Building 2F)
If the special gifts run out, we will give other limited gifts instead.
教務處綜合教務組 敬啟
Division of General Academic Affairs